
Fostering mixed-abled strategies in all schools

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IO 1 - Intellectual Output 1 Activities in Slovenia

with Medarhiv

IO 1 - Intellectual Output 1 Activities in Hungary

with Artman

IO 1 - Intellectual Output 1 Activites in Austria

with MAD Coproductions

IO 1 - Intellectual Output 1 Activities in Italy

with Corpoceleste

LTTA Moon Walk in Vienna / April 2019

with DanceAbility Finland and MAD Coproductions

LTTA Moon Walk in Vienna / March 2019

with Medarhiv and MAD Coproductions

LTTA Moon Walk in Vienna / March 2019

with Artman and MAD Coproductions

LTTA Moon Walk in Vienna / February 2019
with Corpoceleste and MAD Coproductions

Kick-off: 1st Transnational Project Meeting in Budapest / November 2018

with all project partners

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.